Tuesday, August 15, 2006

when ever people ask me how my day was, or how i am, i'm always just like:Cool, fine, thanks.

But what am i really thinking? How was my day really, and should i say

I woke up feeling fat, but then i found a cute skirt, but i kept sneezing because i am allergic to myself, and i couldn't think of anything i wanted to eat for breakfast, so i ate some rocky road and then i felt fat again, and i had to wait a zillion minutes to pull out of my driveway because there were a billion inconsiderate bikers, but the sunrise was really pretty and the horses were running so i didn't mind, and i got a raspberry italian soda before work so i felt all sophisticated even tho live in oswego and drive a voyager, and then i couldn't stay awake during work, so i blinked alot and didn't feel like eating lunch, so i didn't and so i was hungry for dinner, but then I didn’t feel like eating so I feel skinny by default, I am unhealthy, but I took a long shower before bed because it makes me feel good, and I saw a cute boy at the grocery store, but then I saw his dad, and realized that I like men twice my age, and I a weird, ugh, but whatever, the air is cool and the windows are down and I will be out of Oswego soon, and I am happy and sad about that, and I made faced at the dog in the car in front of my, and then I go home and dance in my room, and then I read some silly book and played spidersolitaire, and then I went to bed, but I tossed around a lot because I saw a cute boy that day, but I am pissed because my family is ********, and I can’t sleep and home feels stuffy and comfy, too much so maybe, I should get out, but I dig what I know, and then I drift off humming old big band tunes, only to wake up at two am to think about love and babies and men, and who I am supposed to be,and how I’d like to be beautiful have enough discipline to use my talent, and then I drift back off to sleep.

But I don’t think that is what people want to hear when they ask how my day was.


Blogger Lancehead said...

That's what I like to hear. I usually do what you do or avoid the question entirely.

5:53 AM  
Blogger Cellar door said...

i would rather hear how someones day really was.

8:55 AM  
Blogger lady li said...

actually, that was the best story i've ever heard. i would love to hear that when i ask "how was your day?"

and i agree with you cavya. ;D lol

luv always

lady li

5:18 PM  
Blogger Lancehead said...

Everyone should tell how their day really is.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Cap'n Vincent said...

Oh, my dearest Emily. You are truly, blissfuly, amazing. You make me smile and i think more people should say how their day REALLY was.

2:31 PM  

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