Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So the word for today is


Chocolate, movies, warm... lovely.

Except for one thing.

I miss summer. I miss stepping out of the air conditioning and feeling the heat sink into you and the moisture swirl around you. I miss running around outside at two am in my shorts and tanktop. I miss sleeping outside. I miss ice cream. I miss new boys. For some reason it's harder to find sweet boys you want to flirt with during the winter. I miss sleeping with the window open. I miss lying on warm sidewalks. I miss chewing gum, long walk, nights out, holding hands, milkshake, sleeping in in sleeping bags, cuddling, sweet, warm rain, deep breath, sweaty self, sprinkler, cool grass, old couch, tree house, rope swing, hair up, thrift store, checkers playing, sticky hands, torn jeans, laughing til it hurts...
where are you summer?

Oh, hidden under the four feet of snow my brother had to dig me out of this morning.



Blogger chillie <3 said...

I want summer.
O, summer, where art thou?

7:20 PM  

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